Thursday, February 4, 2010

Exam week

Today i had complete my first exam!! wehoo~ feel happy abit!! but next week on tuesday there is a MATERIAL test!! huh~ damm difficult tat subject i feel tat i will die if i not put effort on it!!Arh..the most horrible is my financial and properties test have to wait until after CNY tat week just test! WTF..CNY also need to study!!! Cry soon T.T sigh~ nothing i can do for the exam and for my all 4 subject also have assignment, so i need to do about 6 assignment most of the due date is after CNY!! here again CNY need to do assignment! what a joke?! huh? well, now i have to continue to do my assginment and study MATERIAL without wasting my time! Gud luck guys and pray for me to pass all the subject for tis sem^^

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