Thursday, February 11, 2010

3 of us

crazy crazy crazy but happy!!!
today after our 3pm class, although i feel very PEK CHEK to that sir! But finally i print out all mine and helping my friends to print out our assignment!! Then me, kok wai and shinyi have a good plan to mid valley although only we three but we really had our fun!! we ate our lovely galeto ice-cream!! DURIAN BELANDA flavour is my fav~ we also call for apple starfruit and honeydew! Honeydew also not bad^^ love it!!! hehe=) kok wai is the spender for ice-cream although we share it! How wierd are we? huh?! haha...nvm!! kok wai is so naughty when we went to NICHII, he laugh at those pondan! sure la not infront of them! but they really disgusting! haha~~ the pondan still scold kokwai not when into the fitting room,because men not allowed! On kokwai mind come something bad, say in his heart you not also boy meh? special is u got breast and i dun have only!!! muahaha~ damm funny when kokwai tell me this!!! she also told that to shinyi when me on our way to PUCHONG!! so damm lucky, we get a rite way to there!! For reconfirm, we went to the petrol station the uncle is very good, he also show we the way to there!! haha!! smart us~erm, is abit raining tat time! so we get to puchong's shabu shabu shop and had our dinner!! about 28 per person!! so nice~ unlimited foods ,drinks and soup!! i like tat sayur masin soup damm much,the red plum ice blanded so much and the sotong in japan style which in red sos!! huahaha~ i tell u guys i ate 6 plate of the sotong!! taste so good and damm full until now! at last before leaving we still compare our stomach!! damm ur stomach is uplevel to another higher level~~ we chat and have our fun there! although we are so tired, but we still chat in the car until nilai! actually is because of very full then they cannot sleep in car!! tired and fun half day trip!!! love u guys~ *muakz*

p/s: we did't took picture, but i have write down tis!! so i will remember our fun time although there is no picure^^ nite~

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