Sunday, October 25, 2009

regret and spechless

so regret wat i do jz now~
jz like use my own hand to take the knife and thrust into my own heart!!
WTF!!!! try to forget this!!!

To forget tat stupid stuff!!!
tell u guys something~ bout something spechless~
nowadys because of someone, we get involve in this problem!
i really duno why they do tat~
the stuff like wat i did to someone in standard school post ppl pic in friendster!!
remember huei?
really stupid i think back!
huei, u knw now in college they also do tat so! now is using facebook! haha~
not my business, but jz let me think back wat i done in standard school!! DUMB^^
i really dun wan chap thier problem, really spechless about it!!

p/s: think back wat u done and dun ever blame ppl before u blame urself XD


Anonymous said...

rileks.. hahaa.. chill babe~~
ikutlahh.. mereka belum matured yet.. we cannot blame them oso.. hahaa.. we now matured ad so we wont do that childish stuff lo... just let them be..

Peiyi Loo said...

yaya~ nate bodoh they all!!!
if got chance go back tell u the bitchy story!! damm tulan~ haven't see someone like tat before, sipe weird!!