Thursday, October 29, 2009


Today is rainny day, at here the thunder is so loud!!!
feeling cold and feel sleepy!!!
but cannot sleep, coz final still on the ways, so have to study~ =(
hope i can pass tomoro subject because it's so difficult, jz like physics! so many formula~
Many days ago,my classmate and i have plan to having fun after exam for 2-3 days!
Planning to go malacca for food and go KL for shopping~
i can't wait ler, if we goin i will update my blog with our trip fun and pictures!
hope tat we goin, u knw sometime ppl like to "mouth talk" but din't do it.
ok la, the thunder is so loud! i'm goin to off my computer dy~
if not my computer kena thunder lagi cham.... bye bye =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yi i switch to new URL blog ad.. change horhh..

love you nuu.. add oil in your exam.. <3