Tuesday, June 9, 2009


stress!!! stress!!! stress!!
assginmentsssss, examssss and presentationssss come in one time...
I really hope tis 2-3 weeks pass faster, my temper become more worst when stress!!
I really cannot control myself!!! T.T
For tis week must pass 3 assignment and 3 exam then next week 1 exam and 2 presentation!!!
huh~~ I need to cool down, now my head is headache again!
I need sleep sleep sleep sleep, arh...
I stop now! cannot stand ady!!

Have to work hard, study hard and
good luck to u all my classmate and me too!!! bye~


Anonymous said...

yi~~ add oil.. love you nuu.. dun bcum kisiao..

Peiyi Loo said...

meme nok gilo doh~~ crazy soon!!1