Saturday, May 2, 2009

birthday party^^

Earlier birthday party^^
Yesterday me and my 3jim baking 4 cake for 2moro birthday party, we bake the 4 cake until 1am midnight =.="
next day~ we had PIZZA for our breakfast and start making cream puff and curry puff!!
so we had a lot of food for birthday party!! we have "COW JUMP", popia , cream puff. curry puff, satay, agar-agar, tuna sandwich and 4 cake!!! muahaha^^ eat eat eat and eat!!!

I would like to thank my friends who have attend for my birthday party and hope u all really have a nice day in my house!!! Thank for the present also~
wot~I talking like crazy today because too long dy din't see u all~ miss u all guys!!
At here i also wan to thx my friends tat who have wish me!!!
At Last i really wan to thank my FAMILY member!!! That have prepare all the things along!!
3jim who made cake and thx for ur present~ I Love it so muchie!!
mummy who have cook "cow jump"!
Big kor who have teach us and make puff!
Lai Ee who made tuna sandwich!
Sis and causin who help along for preparing the party!!
And thank for the present my sis~ i Love it too^^

p/s: actually today is my uncle birthday, but we( me and my father is 3th of may) do our birthday party together!! hehe^^ a nice memories and happy birthday to my uncle!!


uwei said...

a birthday party without me...sob sob . . . I wish I were there..I miss your food and I miss everyone guys must be having a lot of fun that night..I wanna be there !!! I miss you

Peiyi Loo said...

yea!! miss u too.. we all duno when jz can really all meet up together!! sob sob T.T