Sunday, August 29, 2010

time flies

hello world! damm long dint update my blog~
now i realize that all around are changing!! haiz..
i remember well our secondary life! I miss that~
i really dun like college life, it's sound nice rite?
but when u come over then u will knw that was terrible!
I hate that! arh... whatever, now what is goin on?
everyday assignment and study! if not just heard someone quarrel~
I also lazy to care about those things!
Now, i goin to study and pass all my college life and get into my Uni life!!!
congra to my senior that have finish their college life, enjoy ur life friends~
Well, i will make my Uni life different like what i have now!!
I SWEAR~!!!! If i could i wan join dance class again, I miss that!!
Is time to study and find my new Uni~ bye worlds~!

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