Thursday, January 21, 2010


Duh!! y nowsadays ppl so rude de?
maybe they are not rude and it's only brainless and childish!
Wat the hell who u think u are?
think back why ppl treat u tat! because u'r really no manner!!
huh? jz keep on say ppl treat u like tis and like tat...
Who says pretty, smart and cute are winner?!
we be friends is not through ur outside or face, friends is through heart!
Learn it and learn it! until u really knw the meaning of heart~
If not u really will lost alot of friends from everyday!
Maybe u think some of them is jealousy about u,
But I am sure tat you are wrong wrong wrong!
Watever~forget it!

Lai lai lai, tell u guys Mixing Concrete is so fun but is really tired and dirty! haha.. i am a girl but i really help my group alots (i think so) i can use shovel to mix it! but it's really heavy~ so now my back bone is so pain! hope it can recover soon...Ok, happy is over! now assignment is coming, damm plenty of assginment! huh, time to suffer again to do the assignment, so i think tis and next weekend no shopping for me!! T.T well well well, i also hope tat time can move faster to CNY, i wan back home! although i am fat now, i miss my mom food so muchie^^ i also miss my friends too~ weehooo....CNY CNY!!!!! I need a rest now! huh... Tata~

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