Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Birthday

ToDay is my birthday~
Nathing special but is my memories too
Me and somone special in my life go to PCB and have our dinner thr,
we 2 person but call many many food~
belut pat pet is our favorite!! nice nice nice( u all must go and try it :P)
but have to wait for 1 hour~.~
because tat uncle cook very slow!!!
After that, we got to ivy cake shop and buy cake!!
It's a new shop in my hometown and i see the 16"inch cake is so small and cute!!
so him buy two for me 1 is orange and 1 is his favorite blueberry,
he buy two becoz it is too small and we have to celebrate with my friends,
Then we when to yamcha place and it also a new place duno what Arabic shop dy~
all the menu have 2 language one is English and one is Arab!!
wow~ cool and some of the foods are we din't see before XD
I order the marabin strawberries water( if not wrong) !
It's in the bottle and with arab name so i think is arab water. but is quite nice also!!
After ordering, then i cut the cake and force them not to sing birthday song for me
because is many ppl there and i'll be very paise paise!! muahaha...
Oh yea~ i wan to say the orange cake is very nice and it's a bit sour! I Love it^^

Today~ I had spend my time for many new thing and it's really nice!!
I really happy and thank to my friends and my special one!!!

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